Narrative Description of the Project:

Project Details

This project is an extension of the Flood Protection Project (FPSP-I), Its design is based on the Project Preparation Study, April 1997. Major improvements incorporated in the design of the second project include the adoption of an integrated approach to river management, arrangements to examine alternative designs of flood protection works and the participation of beneficiaries in its implementation and subsequent operation and maintenance. The project will also start to address the following problems that were identified during the Project’s preparation as inhibiting the development of an effective national flood protection system and inadequate capacity for strategic planning; lack of coordination between Government agencies in the sector; unsatisfactory monitoring of flood protection work; and, the low level of operation and maintenance.

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided in the assignment:

The FPSP-2 Package-B has been structured in way that the Consultants and the executing agency will be carrying out similar functions on subprojects located on major and secondary rivers. The major tasks comprise:

Name of the Senior regular full-time employees of your firm involved and functions performed

Umar Masoud   Project Coordinator

H.M. Naqvi        Design Engineer

NA Gill              Agronomist

F Sami              Environmental Specialist

A Rasheed        Review Panelist

S.M Zakir          Economist

CM Anwar         Resident Engineer

Asif Aslam        Civil Engineer

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by Our Company:

The FPSP-2 Package-B has been structured in way that the Consultants and the executing agency will be carrying out similar functions on subprojects located on major and secondary rivers. The major tasks comprise:

B-1:      Capacity of Building for Integrated River Management:

i) Morphological Studies.

ii) Remote Sensing Study.

iii) Hydraulic Research Studies.

iv) Studies on Modified Designs and Alternate approaches for Flood Protection Works.

v) Study on the Environmental Profile of Major Rivers.

vi) Study on Flood Plain Zoning.

vii) Training and Transfer of knowledge.

viii) Reporting and Dissemination of Results.

B-2:      Preparation, Development, Implementation, Maintenance and Benefit Monitoring of Sub-projects:

i) Data Collection and Review.

ii) Prioritization of Additional Sub-projects and Work Plans.

iii) Socio-economic Surveys and Assessments/ Beneficiary Consultations.

iv) Initial Environmental Examination (IEE).

v) Feasibility Level Studies and Analysis.

vi) Surveys and Investigations.

vii) Detailed Design and Contract Packaging.

viii) Preconstruction Services.

ix) Construction Supervision and Contract Management. 

x) Maintenance

xi)  Physical Benefit Monitoring.

xii) Training and Transfer of knowledge.

xiii) Reporting and Project Administration.

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